Law Minister Shafique Ahmed said on Thursday that the government has taken up steps to update the contempt of court law, which will specify issues to be considered as the contempt of court.A bill for amending the contempt of court act has been placed in the parliamentary standing committee on law, justice and parliamentary affairs and it may be passed in the next session of parliament, the minister said.
He was talking to reporters after attending the deputy commissioners’ conference at the Cabinet Division conference room.
Shafique said the DCs have placed the demand for amending the contempt of court law since the High Court very often issues contempt of court rule against them and summoned them before the court.
They have to appear before the court, leaving their official functions, the DCs said.
The law minister said he told the DCs that the government has no scope to give judicial power to the executive magistrates as per the Supreme Court directives in judiciary separation case.
The minister also instructed the DCs to deal with the land related cases properly so that the government would not loss any of its land, he said.
The minister asked the DCs to supply the relevant papers and documents to the government law officials for moving the land related cases in a fair manner before the court.
Social Welfare Minister Enamul Haque Mostafa Shaheed, who also attended the programme, told the reporters that he directed the deputy commissioners to ensure facilities of people with disabilities and elderly people at their respective districts.
He informed the DCs that the government has cancelled registration of around 5,000 NGOs for different irregularities.
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