The father of slain pageant princess JonBenet Ramsey regrets letting his daughter compete in beauty contests and finds shows like "Toddlers and Tiaras" disturbing.
John Ramsey told ABC News on Tuesday he has only caught snippets of the TLC child beauty pageant show, but didn't like what he saw.
"It's very bizarre," he said, whose daughter would have been 21 if she were alive today.
"And, it certainly — Patsy and JonBenet didn't approach it that way. We — they just did it for fun."
Ramsey said he remembers his six-year-old as a boisterous tom boy — not the coifed China doll she was portrayed as when she was killed in December 1996.
The case has never been solved.
"I see her, you know, in shorts and t-shirt and hair kind of scruffy and just kind of a kid," he said.
He also said he regrets letting his daughter compete in the toddler beauty shows because it may have made his family a target.
"Only because — that possibly might have drawn attention to us," he told ABC News. "[My\] advice to a parent is just recognize that, regardless of where you live, there could be evil around you...
And don't be naive about it. And keep your kids protected."
Ramsey appeared on the show to promote his new book, "The Other Side of Suffering," about the decade-long ordeal he and his family suffered through after his daughter's murder.
Ramsey and his wife remained under suspicion in their daughter’s death for 12 years until Boulder district attorney cleared them of wrongdoing in 2008.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/jonbenet-ramsey-father-find-toddlers-tiaras-disturbing-regrets-letting-daughter-compete-pageants-article-1.1038077#ixzz1p4mMgHAl
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