A video that Alicia Silverstone recently posted on her “Kind Life” Web site has gone viral in the past 24 hours. In it, the actress who played Cher in “Clueless” feeds her son, Bear Blu, mother-bird-style by transferring food from her mouth directly into his. The Internet is officially grossed out. (The Kind Life with Alicia Silverstone Web site)
As Lindsay Lohan stands on the verge of finally getting off probation (her next court hearing is Thursday), she also looks poised to guest star on “Glee.” Lohan is working out a deal to appear on the Fox series. She will — spoiler alert — reportedly play herself and judge nationals. (TV Line)
Lady Gaga: She was born today. (Charles Krupa - AP) Today is Lady Gaga’s birthday. She turns 26. Please feel free to celebrate this occasion by wearing huge veils, dresses made out of meat or ensembles that invite comparisons to Ralph Macchio. (Lady Gaga’s Twitter feed)
20th Century Fox is pulling teaser trailers and posters for the upcoming comedy “Neighborhood Watch” out of theaters in light of the Trayvon Martin case. Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn star in the movie as community watchdogs who wind up battling aliens. Fox said in a statement that its July release “bears absolutely no relation to the tragic events in Florida,” adding that the studio is “very sensitive” to emotions swirling around the Martin situation. (Associated Press)
Sarah Tressler , a society reporter at the Houston Chronicle who is causing a scandal now that her co-workers know she also blogs about her side gig as a stripper, has some fascinating things to say about hooking up with Jeremy Piven. Gawker managed to capture some of them before she made one of her old blog posts, which recounts her dalliance with Piven, private; needless to say, none of the story is suitable for work and none of it reflects well on Ari Gold. (Gawker)
The cast of “Modern Family” is about to enter contract renegotiations now that the third season has wrapped. And reportedly, several key stars may ask for a big raise. “It’s going to get ugly,” a source tells the Hollywood Reporter. Surely Manny will bring some class and decorum to the proceedings? (THR)
Is Ann Curry on the verge of being fired from the “Today” show? (Gawker)
Now that “Bully” will be released unrated, the AMC theater chain has decided to admit kids under the age of 17, as long as a parent or guardian is present or they have a signed permission slip from Mom or Dad. (Entertainment Weekly)
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