What in the world was that? I’m sure I’m not the only one left scratching my head after tonight’s latest episode of Army Wives, only the third installment in this new season. Just as we get a new year underway, Pamela’s gone. Just like that. Huh?
Two conflicting thoughts here. One wonders what she’s still doing on the show. The other ponders the random timing of her departure. Let’s explore.
Once upon a time Pamela was awesome. Remember season one, when she served as a surrogate, battled with Chase over everything, and built relationships with her fellow Army spouses? Awesome. So too was radio host Pamela, Coach Pamela, and even, at times, Officer Pamela. I cheered her reconciliation with Chase last season, because who wouldn’t want Jeremy Davidson back?
But it’s been a while since Pamela had anything remotely resembling interesting going on in her life. Her separation with Chase was explored for the possibility that she would be spun off onto her own series. That (thankfully) didn’t happen, and so at that point it made sense to reunite Pamela and Chase. How else to substantiate her sticking around Fort Marshall in the long term?
And yet she continued on her road to nowhere. I mean, seriously, Pamela has had nothing to do for seasons now. I hate to say it, but God only knows why the show jumped through hoops to keep her character if they were going to do nothing with her. The spin off opening could have been used to move her off the show even without somewhere else for her to land. They’ve given her practically nothing to do, so what was the point? That’s the “What’s she still doing here?” argument.
The randomness argument, on the other hand, is pretty self-evident. We are three episodes into a new season; Pamela and Chase are finally back together; Pamela’s settled into a career that makes her happy. What reason could there possibly be for moving her off the show now, of all times? If they weren’t going to lose her with a spin off, or with the failed spin off, or when Chase left for California, why inexplicably do it now? It doesn’t make any sense.
The one thing I can come up with is that Brigid Brannagh decided it was time to jump off a sinking ship, which I’d argue Army Wives has become. Roxy’s on a slow boat to nowhere … Denise landed in a coma and then came out of it over the course of one hour … Roland’s helping David acclimate to his new surroundings…. Only Claudia Joy has a marginally interesting story, and even that won’t become interesting until she wakes up to the fact that she just traded in her career for more high school queen bee and popularity contest nonsense. Boring!
So why did Pamela leave now, of all times? Why not? In fact, it might be harder to find reasons for not judging her for sticking around this long … okay, that’s mean, but I don’t know what’s become of this show. Anyone?
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